āļ¸ුāļŊු āļŊෝāļāļēāļ්āļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļ් āļ āļēා āļļāļŊා āˇිāļ§ි āļŊෝāļ āļාāļēāˇāļģ්āļ°āļą āˇූāļģāļාāˇ āˇෙāˇāļ් Mr.Olympia āļිāļģුāˇ āļ¸ෙāˇāļģ āļāļා āļිāļēුāļĢු āļāļģāļāļēāļිāļą් āļ´āˇු Phil Health āˇāļ§ āļŊැāļļුāļąා. āļ āļ´ිāļ§ āļ´ිāļ§ ...
Sony Xperia Z1 vs Nokia Lumia 1020
The Nokia Lumia 1020 and the recently announced at IFA 2013 Sony Xperia Z1 are the hottest cameraphones out there. Sadly, we are still in th...
Samsung overtakes Google in 2013 Most Innovative Companies list, Apple still on top
Every year Boston Consulting Group makes a list of the most innovative companies and for 2013 Samsung has beaten Google and has taken its s...
China to lift ban on Facebook
Beijing has made the landmark decision to lift a ban on internet access within the Shanghai Free-trade Zone to foreign websites considere...
McDonald's, KFC āˇāˇ Pizza Hut āˇāļŊාāļŊ් āļāļ´ා āļිāļēāļēි
āˇොං āļොං āˇි āļ´ිāˇිāļ§ි āļ¯ැāˇැāļą්āļāļ¸ āļ්āˇāļĢිāļ āļāˇාāļģ āˇāļ´āļēāļą āļāļēāļāļą āļුāļąāļ් āˇāļą āļ¸ැāļ්āļŠොāļąāļŊ්āļŠ්āˇ්, āļේāļāˇ්āˇී āˇāˇ āļ´ීāˇා āˇāļ§් āˇිāļ¯ී āļˇාāˇිāļාāˇāļą āļ¸āˇ් āˇāļģ්āļ ''āˇāļŊාāļŊ්'...
Samsung users can get Android 4.3 Soon!
The Samsung Galaxy S III , Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note II will be upgraded to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean by year-end, if a report is to be ...
'āˇāļුāļģ āļąොāļēāļą iPhone' āļ¯ැāļą්āˇීāļ¸ āļąිāˇා āļ´ාāļģිāļˇෝāļිāļāļēāļą් āˇෝāļą් āˇāļුāļģේ āļ¯āļ¸āļēි!
āļāļ´āļŊ් āˇāļ¸ාāļāļ¸ේ iOS 7 āˇි āļąāˇāļāļ¸ update āļāļෙāļą් āļ´āˇු āˇ්āļ¸ාāļ§්āˇෝāļąāļēāļ§ āļĸāļŊāļē āļąොāļēāļą āļļāˇāļ§ āļ¸ේ āļ¯ිāļąāˇāļŊ āļļොāļģු āļ´්āļģāļ ාāļģāļēāļą් āļ āļą්āļāļģ්āļĸාāļŊ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļĸාāļŊ āˇෙāļļ් āļ āļŠāˇිāˇāļŊිāļą් āļ´්āļģāļ ාāļģāļē āˇāļąāˇ...
āļූāļāļŊ් āˇිāļē 15 āˇāļą āļāļ´āļą්āļ¯ිāļąāļē āˇāļ¸āļģāļēි. āˇෙāˇුāļ¸් āļēāļą්āļ්āļģāļē āļ āļŊුāļ් āļāļģāļēි
āļŊෝāļāļēේ āļ¯ැāˇැāļą්āļāļ¸ āļāļēāļāļąāļēāļ් āˇāˇ āļĸāļąāļ´්āļģිāļēāļ¸ āˇෙāˇුāļ¸් āļēāļą්āļ්āļģāļē(Search Engine) āˇāļą Google āˇිāļē 15āˇāļą āļāļ´āļą්āļ¯ිāļąāļē āļ āļ¯ āļ¯ිāļą āˇāļ¸āļģāļąāˇා. āļāˇāļේāļ¸, āļ¸ෙāļෙāļ් āļāļŊ් āļූāļāļŊ් āˇෙāˇු...
Fashion Bug āˇෙāļිāļą් āļ āˇāˇāļą් āļļිāļŊāļ§ 10% āˇāļ§්āļ§āļ¸āļ්
Hutch āļāļēāļāļąāļē āˇා Fashion Bug āļāļēāļāļąāļē āļāļ්āˇ āļ¸ේ āļ¯ිāļąāˇāļŊ āļ´ාāļģිāļˇෝāļිāļāļēāļą් āˇāļ§ 10% āˇāļ§්āļ§āļ¸āļ් āļ āˇāˇāļą් āļļිāļŊ් āļ´āļāļ§ āļŊāļļාāļ¯ෙāļąāˇා. āļāļļāļ් Hutch āļ´ාāļģිāļˇෝāļිāļāļēෙāļ් āļąāļ¸්, āļāļļāļ§āļ් āļ¸...
Bodybuilding 1 āļොāļ§āˇ - ''āļāļ āˇැāļ¯ිāļŊා āļąෑ āļąේ?''
āļ´ෙāļģ āļŊිāļ´ිāļēෙāļą් āļāļ āˇැāļ¯ීāļ¸ේ āļāļŊාāˇ āˇෙāˇāļ් Fitness āļැāļą āļ¸ූāļŊිāļ āˇැāļŗිāļą්āˇීāļ¸ āļāļŊා. āļāļą් āļ´āˇු āļීāļ´ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļ් āļ-āļ¸ේāļŊ් āļ¸āļිāļą් āļļොāˇෝ āļ¯ේ āļ āˇා āļිāļļුāļąා. āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āļ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļāļ§āļ¸ āļ´...
āļ¯ුāļ¸්āˇැāļ§ිāļēේ āļ āļąාāļāļ āˇ්āˇāļģූāļ´āļē - āļ-āˇිāļāļģāļ§්
āļ¸ේ āˇāļą āˇිāļ§ āļ¯ුāļ¸්āļ´ාāļąāļē, āļ āļāļŊ් āļ¸āļģāļĢ āˇāļŊāļ§ āļ´්āļģāļ°ාāļąāļāļ¸ āˇේāļුāˇāļ් āļļāˇ āļąොāļģāˇāˇāļ්. āļāļ¸āļģිāļාāˇ āļුāˇ āļ´āļ¸āļĢāļ් āļ¯ුāļ¸්āļ´ාāļąāļēේ āļąිāļģāļāˇāļą්āļąāļą් āļ¸ිāļŊිāļēāļą 44āļāļ§ āˇāļŠා āˇිāļ§ිāļą āļļāˇ āļāˇි Disea...
āļāļ āˇāļ¯āļą āˇāļģි āļ්āļģāļ¸āļē āļ¸ුāˇ āˇිāļ§ - Bodybuilding Part 1
Bodybuilding āˇāļ āļąāļē āļāˇූ āˇැāļąිāļą් āļ āļ´ේ āļāļŊුāˇāļ§ āļāļą්āļąේ Jay Cutler āˇāļේ āļ¯ැāˇැāļą්āļ āˇāļģීāļģāļēāļ් āˇāˇිāļ āļාāļēāˇāļģ්āļ°āļāļēāļą්. āļļොāˇෝ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļ් āļාāļēāˇāļģ්āļ°āļą āļ¸āļ°්āļēāˇ්āļŽාāļą(GYM) āˇāļŊāļ§ āļēāļą්...
Viagra 'could make you a deaf'
You’ve probably seen the headlines saying “Viagra Can Make You Deaf!” One minute you’re basking in her moans of pleasure and in the next, ...
''āˇ්āļēාāļ්āļģා'' āļැāļąීāļ¸ෙāļą් āļāļļāˇ āļļිāˇිāļģෙāļු āļāļģāļēි!
āļēāˇāļąේāļ¯ී āļ´āˇ āļ¸ු āļ¸ොāˇොāļේ āļāļේ āˇāļŦ āļāˇී, āļāˇ āļ¸ොāˇොāļāļිāļą් āļāļē āļąොāļāˇී āļිāļēොāļ් āļāļļ āļුāļ¸āļ් āļāļģාāˇිāļ¯? ''āˇිāļēාāļ්āļģා'' āˇāˇ āˇෙāļąāļ් āļŊිංāļිāļ āļāļ්āļේāļĸāļāļēāļą් āļˇාāˇ...
Sony Xperia Z1 Review : Waterproof smartphone with world's best camera
You wanted to hear more about the new Xperia™ Z1 from Sony? Below we show you three incredible features that demonstrate why this is the...